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Hashmitrust.com God is not something you name, God is what you find within your innerself.Hashmitrust.com Hashmi Human Resources Development Society Hashmitrust.com Achieving ultimate solace is helping the needy, feeding the hugry, clothing the nakeds and teaching the ignorants. Hashmitrust.com  



Hashmi Trust's approach to ensure achievement & creditibility in the area of education is premised on the following:

  • It is the state’s responsibility to fulfill its constitutional mandate of free and compulsory education for all children between 6 and 14 years of age.
  • The government has committed itself to the Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE) by 2010.
  • Education to all being a social enlightment issue is a moral responsibility of every previlaged Indian.
  • Granting access to higher education to the less fortunate children of society is the foundation of a better and more compatiable India.

Hashmi Trust's education program focuses on efforts in meeting the above commitments. It does this by focussing on the “left-out & economically deprived children” and finds ways to ensure that such children have access to quality education, and are able to successfully complete not only the primary and the elementary cycle but to achieve the highest degrees of education . Hashmi Trust works with the following categories of children who are excluded due to a complex combination of physical and social reasons:

Hashmi Trust is mainly devoted towards work on improving the quality of education, and strengthening government schools.